
Does your service department need more speed?

How about an increase in labor dollars billed?

Service Manager Pro also offers consulting services for dealerships in need of more productive and financially stable service departments.

If you can answer yes to any of the questions below feel free to contact us to see how we can help.

  • Do you feel like your technicians should be billing more hours in a week?
  • Does your service department have too many comebacks?
  • Do you have a two week back log in the middle of summer?
  • Do you have customers calling to make appointments and then not showing up?
  • Do your service tickets reflect significantly more labor dollars billed than parts dollars billed?
  • Did your service department lose money last year or just break even?

Find out how we can make your service department the most profitable part of your dealership.

We can show you ways to:

  1. Track and increase technician efficiency
  2. Bill more labor hours in a week
  3. Sell more service work and give top level customer service
  4. Track department profitability
  5. Get your parts and service departments in sync so you can sell more parts in the service department

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

fall and winter is the best time of year to gear up, revamp and unlock the hidden potential of your service department.